Submissions by Joe Sizemore, a Brother
in Christ.
Subjects: Who is the leader of your Church? Who Created God? My friend Chrissy asked me to comment on a question she received from an atheist friend of hers. Perhaps someone has asked you this same question; "You can say that God created us and the Earth, but then who created God, how did God come about?" Chrissy, the following are my own views, but each of us must come to our own conclusions. Your friend has asked a question which he knows no man can answer to his satisfaction, but we can provide an understanding that allows us to accept the reality that God almighty has always existed, without a beginning and without an end. How does one begin to explain with human words, that which is not human. The Father knew from the very beginning that we humans could not understand or even be able to behold Him, so He simple said, “I AM THAT I AM” (Exodus 3:14). For the one who has learned to love the Lord, it is enough. However, the evil one comes into our lives to challenge our faith with mankind’s insignificant knowledge, so we blindly try to look further for human words to explain what is not human, and is far beyond man’s simple ability to understand. It is like looking at a fish in the dark ocean, how do we humans tell the fish about a thing called fire? The fish has never seen fire, and has no way even to comprehend such a thing, but his inability to understand does not mean there is not a thing called fire above and below the fish’s dark waterier home. What could be more different than fire and water, what could be more different than God, and human understanding? Chrissy, when I am asked such questions as “who created God”, I tell them I will answer them if they can tell me where the universe ends, and if there is an end, then what is it contained in, and who, or what, is holding the container? Very quickly we begin to see how limited mankind’s knowledge really is. All of our human knowledge is based on our surroundings, just as it is with the fish in the ocean. We look at the universe and think this is all there is, while also wondering where did it start and where does it end. You see, we humans can’t conceive of something that is so different from us, something that never had a beginning and will never have an ending. We can somewhat understand our universe because it does have a beginning and it does have an end. However, our so called “massive endless Universe” will seem so insignificant when the Lord returns to the garden for His children, as we see Him roll the entire universe back like a simple paper scroll. If you can envision our Master’s return in such wonderful glory and might, then tell me who created such an awesome power. When we see what our words do not have the power to describe, then we will know that God was always here, He is the creation Himself. It is only mankind, and his earth, which is temporary and in question. How do I know God is the beginning? Because my own life began with Him, and He tells me He was always here, long before my time ever began. His “word” is enough for those who truly seek His knowledge and understanding. One day we will all understand, and rejoice in His great wisdom. You and I both know that we will see that day, and my greatest prayer is that your friend will learn enough to see our Lord too. It is our faith, like a scientific instrument, which measures and proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was never a thing called time that God did not already fill. It is our faith that tells us we can believe the scriptures when they say; “ I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” (Revelation 22:13-14). Also, “The things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:18). Mankind’s science cannot measure what cannot be seen, our scientific knowledge is too limited to understand. Chrissy, I hope my simple words have helped you to answer your friend’s question. If not, please let me know and we will dig a little deeper. Remember, “in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. Just as there is no end to the Father’s heaven that surrounds us, there is no beginning to the Father who created us. God bless you Chrissy, in the name of our eternal Father, and may He fill you life with His understanding called faith. Your brother in Christ,
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The Greatest Christmas Gift Listen little children, can you hear,
The earth trembles, with hope and delight,
There is His tiny manger, in the stable at Bethlehem,
All of the crawling creatures, and the birds in the air,
A Son is now born, this is the awaited time and day,
Sing loud old world, let your voices ring,
But some people have since forgotten, the reason for Christmas day,
The great deceiver has blinded them, with his silver and gold,
It is not what we may buy others, or what we may tell,
It is the love that Christ, has shown to us all,
Lord we will not forget, what you have done for us on that first Christmas
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Jesus Christ is born
Lord Jesus we have a present for You, on this Christmas day,
We lay our hearts before Your throne, our greatest Christmas gift,
We love You Lord Jesus, and it is with you we will always stay,
joe sizemore, December, 1997 --
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The Tree of Life
“I am curious as to your position on the creation of a new single celled life form in America. On News 24, I heard that a professor had succeeded in taking 300 individual genes from other species and reprogrammed them to create the first ever man-made (And NOVEL) life-form.” Dear Alex, Peace be with you friend, it is good to hear from you again. I don’t recall having heard about the particular research you mentioned, however, it does not surprise me at all, as it is just a simple matter of knowledge. There are animals, which can already grow new limbs and tails, but we humans haven’t even learned how to accomplish that simple task yet. However you look at it, it is truly just a matter of knowledge, and putting that knowledge to work. Cancer is a decease that destroys the cells in the body, and could be easily prevented if we only knew how. Again it is just a matter of having the right knowledge. One of the characteristics of knowledge is that it always seeks what it does not yet understand. Many seek a God whom they do not yet fully understand, but as they search their knowledge verifies the reality of an almighty creator. In understanding a simple life source we begin to see the wondrous handy work of the great Master who created us all. Alex, I believe the human is nothing more than a simple beast or animal with God given knowledge, which has raised us above the other creatures on the earth. If our knowledge is allowed to grow, I’m sure we too could create another animal one day, perhaps even another human. It is truly just a matter of time and a matter of having the knowledge to do so. Given unrestrained knowledge, I believe we could eventually go beyond the creation of simple humans, and even create an everlasting spirit or soul. I’m sure this would require us to go beyond your “300 individual genes”. However, God told us in the very beginning that He would prevent that from happening as He warned us when Adam first eat of the tree of knowledge. You see, God already knew where our self-acclaimed knowledge would eventually lead us, and our evil flaws cannot be tolerated beyond the bound of this earth. The lustful evil nature within our hearts must be removed if we are to be allowed to continue in the heavenly kingdom. Our human knowledge must see the truth, reject the lustful nature of human animal, and fill ourselves with the loving nature of the Father, which has overcome all evil. To help us to better understand, we need to remember that God created many trees to sustain mankind in the Garden of Eden, among them were the tree of knowledge, and the tree of Life. (Genesis 2:9) And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. We hear much about the tree of knowledge, but we often overlook the passages in the Bible where God puts limitations on our ever learning how to achieve eternal life. The tree of life has been put beyond the hands of mankind as can be seen in the following scriptures. (Genesis 3:22-24) (22) And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: (23) Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. (24) So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. That flaming sword will prevent the human from learning how to achieve eternal life by our own means. Mankind’s inability to completely reject evil, and seek only goodness is the flaw that cannot be tolerated in the eternal kingdom of the Father. So left to our own devises, no human would ever pass through the flaming gate to eternal life. But the Father had mercy on us, and gave us a way to overcome our own evil, if we have the knowledge, love, and understanding to accept it. The Father sent us His only begotten Son, Jesus, to show us how we must live, and what we must do to in order to be acceptable in the Father’s kingdom. The Father has promised us that if we will except the gift of His only begotten Son, then He will send us a new spirit which will fill our souls and turn us into a new creature, one truly worthy to pass through the flaming gate. So you see Alex, we not only could create a totally new life source, it is required that we do so if we are ever to enter the eternal gates of heaven. Alex, what we cannot yet accomplish, the spirit of the Father can come into our lives and change this sinful beast, into a wonderful loving creature of the Father. The Father was our way into this life, and He alone is the only way out. Human knowledge will fail us, but the wisdom of our creator will never fail us, we need only to have the wisdom to ask for His help. Alex, can you understand why I love Jesus so much, He is my hope, He is my Savior, He is the love of my life. How foolish would I be to reject the one who came to save me. No, it took this old fool too long to learn the truth, and I will never go back to the darkness and doubts of mortal men ever again. I have a savior burning brightly within me, and I received Him by just simple asking Him to come into my heart, change me, and save me from myself. He is not fooled by human words, He only answers to the pure in heart. The Bible says it much better than I can, (Matthew 5:8) Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. So Alex, we should not be surprise that man tries to mimic his Father, and given enough time, and the love of Christ within us, we too can do miracles. But never forget that man’s pitiful knowledge is foolishness with the Father. When I think about the great power of the Father, I look up into the heavens and am reminded that when Jesus returns, the sun, the stars, and the entire universe will be just rolled away like a scroll. Just think of all of the power in the sun and all the stars in the universe, yet the Lord will just push them aside like a simple scroll of paper, and the whole world will see Him coming in a great flaming cloud. Alex, as you can see I am not at all surprise that man is beginning
to understand his simple beginnings. I wrote an article on this very
subject some time back called "Mada & Namow, Man's Creation!", I hope
you will go back an reread it, I think it will make a lot more sense to
you now. If you are interested, you can find it at -
I hope I have answered your concerns, but if not, please let me know and we will try again. Alex, it is our love for Jesus, which saves our souls, but do we have the knowledge to understand such a simple plan? Seek Jesus with a pure heart, and He will find you. Peace be with you friend which can only come from knowing the Father who created us all. One final note Alex, who created the “300 individual genes” you referred to in your question? No matter how far back we search, we still end up at the feet of Christ. joe sizemore
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Who is this man Called Jesus?
Who is this man called Jesus, He came down to this lowly place,
Who is this man called Jesus, His name shakes both heaven and earth,
Who is this man called Jesus, who says Father these children are mine,
Who is this man called Jesus, who stands before His Father’s throne,
Who is this man called Jesus, who washed our tears away,
Who is this man called Jesus, What more is there we can say,
I love You Lord. If you would like to read an article, which I believe proves Jesus is
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/9522/WhoIsThisJesus2.html joe sizemore
Our purpose here on earth is to love God with all our heart, all else
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Who is the leader of your Church? A good Christian friend of mine, whose name I have changed, made the following statement, and I was wondering if you think the same way. "But every church needs leaders since not every person is in the same position or has the same understanding." joe wrote ======== >
So who should be the human leader of such works of clay, that is left to the members of such organizations, to choose their own song leaders, as the light of the Father leads them. But we must remember that the light will also draw strangers, and not all strangers will open the door to their hearts church to let the light of the Father enter, and the human beast is left to roams the halls of the structures of clay. However, if we are to save the lost, then we must go to where they are, and speak with words they can understand. We chose one to speak for the group, who can best convey our love for Christ, one who the lost will listen to. We lift these voices of the clay churches up to our Father, that He might give all of our light to the one who speaks on our behalf, and we rejoice in seeing the Father use our spokesperson with great power and love. So, are these spokespersons the leaders in our churches of clay,
or are they our servants? They for sure are not the Master, because
that job still belongs to our Lord Jesus, the ONLY Christ! We should
never get a
Our purpose here on earth is to love God with all our heart, all else
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Trinity orGod? Have you ever asked a child to explain the Trinity? If they seem to have a problem, then ask them to explain God to you. You might get some of the same interesting answers if you ask many of our adult Christians today. Why is it so difficult for some Christians to explain their personal relationship with their heavenly Father? Is that the way God would want it to be, or have we humans in all of our great wisdom made God so complex that even the small children must struggle to understand their heavenly Father? Could it be that we have borrowed our faith form our church rituals, rather than a personal relationship with the Father? It is for sure that if we do not truly know our heavenly Father personally, then He will not know us on that last day. Matthew 7:22-23
So how do you see the Father? The Trinity basically tells us that there is only one God, but He has three faces; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Jewish view of God is that there is only one face, one Father, and they call Him Jehovah. Since the Jews and Christians have the same God, why the different views? I asked myself, does the Trinity truly reflect my own understanding of God, does the Jewish definition of a single God Head better fit my relationship with the Father, or is just loving the Father with all my heart enough? These are questions Christians and non-Christians have debated since our Lord Jesus first walked among us in the flesh. It was easy for me as a child, because I could understand a Father’s love for His Son, and who else could better carry the Father’s message to us, than His very own Son? So for me, it was my love for the Father that first brought me to the feet of Christ, and precise definition was not required. As our love for Christ grows however, it becomes more important that we can explain our relationship with the Father to others, and this is usually the time we start getting into great debates with fellow Christians as to how we should see God. The words which follow come from my own personal faith as it relates to the Trinity, and each of us must decide for ourselves how we relate to the Father. We cannot borrow someone else’s faith, because our faith is the eyes through which we see the Father. If we don’t really know what we believe, perhaps we wear a borrowed mask of Christian faith, and Christ is not the true Lord of our hearts. Even though the Father told us many times that we humans cannot even conceive the reality of the Father, we blindly go right on trying to put Him in our little box of knowledge. In order to describe our relationship with the Father, our first problem is to understand the shortfalls in our human language, or the written word. I could hear the most eloquent words in the world, but if the heart can’t accept them, then they are just noise soon lost in the wind. The written scriptures have little power over the heart of the non-believer, as the meanings of words are changed to justify their own actions. As we have seen recently with our own President Clinton, words can be changed to mean almost anything, and justice is no longer found in the words of our human laws. It is only in the heart that the truth is always exposed, but only the Father and ourselves hear the words of our hearts. It is only when we try to translate the words of the heart into human sounds, that we start running into problems. My words can say I love you, but they are not enough, it is the heart that must love. Isaiah 29:13
When we begin to dig deeper into the scriptures, or words of the Bible, we run into a multitude of issues like the interpretation of the Trinity. Our atheist brothers and sisters favorite game is to play with the various differences, or usages of a written word, just like our legal system prides itself in doing today. It was in trying to deal with this problem that I was struck with the beauty of the name that the Father gave to Himself, “I AM”. He sure knew the evil nature of mankind, and left little to misunderstand. (Exodus 3:14
When I was a child, I was disappointed that God used such simple words to describe Himself. It seemed He should have a marvelous name that describes His great power, love, and intelligence. But for today critics, “I AM”, is very hard to mess with, yet it says everything we need to know about the almighty loving Father who created the universe, and all therein. Now that I am a man, that simple name is the anchor for my faith, and now I understand the Father’s great wisdom so there would be no need for inadequate human words. But as we know, the Father’s description is still not enough for sinful men, so we continues to try to place God in an earthly definition. It is like trying to place the ocean into a single drop of water. I share my thought on this subject only in the hopes that I can place a little light in the darkness that Satan uses to distract and destroy the body of Christ. We are so quick to look at our differences, and overlook our common love for Christ. We are not separated in the heart, as our critics boast so loudly when looking at our many Christian denominations. They cannot see the common love for Christ in our hearts, which bind us into one body. We may use different languages and words to describe our love for the Father, but words are not important, it is our common love which justifies us before the Father. When we try to defend the Trinity view of the Father, it becomes a little difficult since the word “trinity“ cannot be found in the Bible, and first came into use in the church during Emperor Constantine’s rule around 325 AD. Now there are hundreds of verses which support the Trinity concept, but I believe the most compelling is called the Great Commission; Matthew 28:16-20
If the Trinity view seems somewhat confusing, we should not get too upset with ourselves, because there were still oubters among Jesus’ own disciples as we can see in verse 17 above, “but some doubted.” Now why would they have doubted? First we need to realize that we are now reading these scriptures through the eyes of a Trinitarian, or one who has been taught the Trinity from our birth. In other words, we may not be able to understand their concerns, and perhaps we read things into the words which are not there. We need to remember that they were Jews, and believed in all that Mosses and Christ had taught them during their walk here on earth. Also remember that their faith, as well as ours own, was built on there being only one Father, as is documented in Exodus 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. We must also remember that Jesus told us He did not come to change the law, but to fulfill the law. Matthew 5:17
Now this is where our individual faith comes in, and each of us must decide for ourselves. Is there just one Father as the Bible tells us over and over again, or is there one Father with three faces, as the Great Commission of Matthew 28:16-20 seems to be teaching us? In the face of such complexity, I personally go back and take the simplest meaning of words, and I lean heavily on the Holy Spirit to guild me through as I do for any situation that might stands between me and my Father. I know I am a child of the Father, and as such have little knowledge. I also know my Father loves me , and He speaks to me in words which I can understand, so I can also explain them to my child. As I consider the question of the Trinity, I remember what God called Himself, “I AM THAT I AM”. First, He did not say “we are who we are”, He made a point of saying “I (singular) AM THAT I AM”. If God is only one, then who is Jesus as He relates to God. I immediately think of my favorite verses in the Bible where Jesus tells us plainly who He is, and why He is here. In fact, it was these same verses which explained the Father’s love for me so I could understand it before I was five years old. It was these same verses which brought me to the feet of Christ, and gave me a love for Him that will never end. If a child can understand, then why ask for more? John 3:16-21
You see, Jesus is the perfect “light” which the Father has sent to us as a token of His love for us. Jesus is the only “light” which leads us out of the darkness. If we reject the light which was sent to us by the Father, then we reject the Father as well. But what makes Jesus different from Abraham, Mosses, and other prophets? Note the words “only begotten Son” in verses 16 and 18. Why didn’t God just say, “my only Son”? You see, all of the rest of us where made from the dust of the earth, and God gave us the breath life; Genesis 2:7
But Jesus is different, and He is a reflection of God Himself. Many often questioned the Virgin Birth, saying with a smile in their hearts that any rational person would know that it is impossible for this to have happened within the human animal. But only now in the last couple of years have we learned ourselves how to clone another human from a single cell, and what seemed impossible yesterday has suddenly become a fact today. A female could reproduce herself, or any other human from only a single cell of herself or the other person. If the woman should clone herself, then who is the father of the child? To answer that question, we would still have to take the same long journey back to Adam. So with our present scientific understanding, we can now comprehend God placing a “cell or DNA” of Himself into the body of Mary, and He alone is the Father of Jesus. Mary’s flesh feed and nourished the material body of Christ as would the mother of any clone, but the original “cell” belonged the Father. I would suggest that the clone is not the original, but a true and separate reflection of the original. He is the perfect likeness of His Father, as the Father is telling us that Jesus is His only begotten Son, the only one in all the universe and beyond. Now if Jesus were standing before us at this very minute, I believe He would repeat the following to us; John 14:1-6
Jesus is the Father’s greatest gift to mankind, and if we are so callus as to reject the Father’s most precious gift, then we will not be allowed to enter into His Son’s house on that last day. Now listen closely as Jesus speaks of His own reflection of the Father, and the reason that He is the ‘only begotten Son” of the Father. John 14:7-11
If we had stopped at verse 9, we would have to believe that Jesus is saying He is the Father, but as we read on He explains that the spirit of the Father is within Him, and He is one with the spirit of the Father, “I am in the Father, and the Father in me”. He did not say, I “am” the Father, He said I am “in” the Father, and they are two separate things joined in spirit and understanding. Jesus is the very likeness of the Father, and in seeing Him, we humans are able to understand what true love is, and what the Father is really like. Jesus cared not for Himself, but gave all He had for us, and the Father did the same thing in giving even more, His only begotten Son, so that we might be able to follow His light out of the darkness. Now in the following verse we can see that Jesus is referring to a spiritual relationship, otherwise, we would have to say we are also god’s, and I know that is not true in my own case. However, I do know that the Father rules my heart, and I am one in my love for the Father and His loving Son, Jesus. John 14:20
When we accept Jesus for who He is, “the only begotten Son of the Father”, then the Father will send us the same Holy Spirit to abide within us, as was in Jesus himself. John 14:12-16
As we can see, the Father has given Jesus all power, and we now belong to Him. We will live with Jesus in the heavenly kingdom which He has prepared for us. It is more than enough for this simple Christian. There are many roads which take us to the Father, but they all must pass through “the only begotten gate” whose name is Jesus. Does Jesus have all power over the heavens and the earth? Yes He does! Is He as powerful as the Father? No He is not, as He tells us with His own words; John 14:28
As a member of the body of Christ, we are one in our love for the great “I AM” . So should we worship Jesus? Yes we should, He is the way, the truth, the life, and the only way to the Father. Then what about the Holy Spirit? When we open our hearts to Christ, the Father fills our souls with the same loving Spirit as fills our Lord Jesus, and in that Spirit, we become one with Jesus, as Jesus is one with the Father. It is the Holy Spirit which breaths new life into our soul, and we are no longer the same person, but we are born again into the loving spirit of our one and only Father. The spirit flows from the Father to Jesus, to us, and back again. Even though we are individuals, we are all one in our love for the Father who created all things. So, for me there is but one Father who sent us His most loving gift so that we might find our way out of the darkness and into His light. We have one Master, or Christ, whose name is Jesus, and He is the perfect reflection of the Fathers loving light, and I want to be like Him, I want to be Christ-like, I want to be called a Christian. Matthew 23:9-10
So I see only one Father, one Master or Christ, and one love which binds the body of Christ into a single entity which glorifies the Father. It is because we love and accept the one Christ, that the Father sends us His Holy Spirit which fills our souls with the same loving light which Christ received from the Father. We are new creatures which have become filled with the light and love of the Father and the Son. The earth is no longer our home, but we stay here only to bring the light of the Father to others as Christ brought it to us. So I tell the little children that they have one heavenly Father who created all things, He send His Son Jesus, the Prince of Peace, to show the world just how much He loves us. After having said all of that, I know there are those who believe in the Trinity who are true children of the Father, and His only begotten Son. I know there are others who believe as I do who are also true believers of the Father, and His only begotten Son. So where does that leave us? It is not the words we read that make us believe, it is the words we hear in our hearts. It tell us that we sinful humans can’t begin to understand the true nature and love for our heavenly Father, and I am also reminded that it was Christ who choose us before we chose Him. John 10:27-29
So we are not to worry, as long as we belong to Christ, and His light shines brightly within our hearts. Thank you Lord for loving this sinful soul anyway. joe sizemore
****** End of Message ******
Our purpose here on earth is to love God with all our heart, all else
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No Matter Where I go! No matter how far away I go,
In the darkest corner of the earth,
What can this world do to me,
Be glad my brothers and sisters,
Lord God in heaven how I thank thee,
I have seen so many wonders,
When Christ lifts us up to glory,
joe sizemore
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Death? Death you are a strange, and mysterious thing,
Each new child, you windup like a clock,
We dread the sound, of silence to come,
The real sadness is, that so many cannot see,
The Master creator, counts the hours on the clock,
But it is through deaths door, we sinners have not yet seen,
The clock rings out in heaven, for all to hear,
That which we once feared, we now embrace,
If it weren’t for death, where would we be,
Thank you Father, for Your great and glorious plan,
So death where is thy victory, where is thy sting,
joe sizemore
Our purpose here on earth is to love God with all our heart, all else
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Is Baptism Required? A good Christian friend asked me the following questions, and perhaps
“To be born again do you need to be baptized? What about
Dear Terry,
John 3:4-7
I personally believe that these verses are among the most important
In your note you asked, “To be born again, do you need to be baptized?”
This sinful man on the cross with Jesus that day was not baptized with
Another scripture, which I think, may help us to understand the water
John 4:11-14
We may have been baptized in the water of Jacob’s well, but it has no
Without baptism of the soul we will in no way enter into the kingdom
We must realize that the spiritual baptism is the only door way that
I hope my words have helped, but they are only words of a worthless
“Nicodemus, who say you that I am?” Your Brother I Christ
Our purpose here on earth is to love God with all our heart, all else
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"The Pure In Heart" Brothers and sisters in Christ, terrible sinners, let me tell you about
There is still one vision that I have not yet shared with you, because
It happened back in 1996, when Christ suddenly appeared before me. He
I kept asking myself, why would my Lord show Himself to such a filthy
Jesus has shown me many wonderful things since that time, and I’ve tried
Today, I got the answer to my question. “Blessed are the pure in heart:
Sinner, God loves us just the way we are, don’t let the great deceiver
Don’t let your sinful past steal your wonderful loving future. The
Sinful brothers and sisters, I am not the only one who has seen the
I pray that you will hear the Father’s loving call to you, He is there
All glory to the purest heart this world has ever known, the one who
“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God”
Your brother in Jesus, the ONLY Christ! joe sizemore
Our purpose here on earth is to love God with all our heart, all else
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